‘For What it’s Worth’ Placebo rocked The Piece Hall to start off their
‘Live in 2024’ tour.
★★★★★ (5/5)
The alternative rock band have just embarked on their European tour and their first stop was the scenic views of The Piece Hall situated in the centre of Halifax. Joining them on this run is London based ’Friedberg’.
Up until this show I’d never listened to Friedberg so I headed in with an open mind and ready to find a new band to enjoy through my Spotify playlists. If you’ve never listened to Friedberg, they’re a very welcoming blend of postpunk/alt-rock, something that is very familiar with the spectators of the night. The crowd and band felt as one as the atmosphere lifted and people down the front were jumping and singing. A few small personal interactions between some fans and the band members added to the experience. It’s always refreshing to see musicians interacting with their fanbase or new members of their fanbase.
It wasn’t long before we were waiting for Placebo to hit the stage, and with 5 minutes before the show was to begin a familiar voice came from over the speakers, Brian Molko asking the crowd to refrain from using their mobile phones, no filming, no photos. They want the fans to be present in the moment with them as the performance will never be replicated. A huge cheer erupted from the crowd as everyone was in agreement that tonight was all about them and their music.
Opening the night with ‘Taste In Men’ off ‘Black Market Music’ I was instantly transported back to being a kid and hearing Placebo for the first time. The band have always carried an aura that has fascinated me and live is absolutely no different. The vibes were so brilliantly and beautifully crafted throughout the night as fans just embraced and enjoyed the show with very limited amounts of phone appearances.
Brian and Stefan powered through their set with little time to chat, playing a catalogue of songs spanning their 30 year career. Half way through the night, I changed my position in the venue to move closer to the back to take in more of the atmosphere and the further back I got the more you watched people just living in their own elements enjoying the music with no cares in the world.
Placebo have always been a band that to me feel very mysterious, carry an aura about them that is supposed to feel out of this world and their performance only let me feel that more. Having been a fan for so long and never seeing them live, I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face. A band that helped influence the musicians I spent my teen years listening to. It will be a night I won’t want to forget or stop talking about for a while.
Hearing some of my favourite songs such as, ‘Scene of the Crime’ ‘’The Bitter End’ ‘For What its Worth’ and their incredible cover of ‘Running Up That Hill’ just made the night feel more special to me. But the night wasn’t just special to me, as earlier in the night A beautiful couple got engaged in the middle of the crowd with a little help from the projector on the stage.
A beautiful moment, for a beautiful evening. If this article finds the couple from that night, I wish you all the happiness in your future together!