★★★★★ (5/5)


Opening the show tonight we have electronic pop trio Rival Saints.

While the venue is still fairly quiet as they come on, it fills as their set continues and they go down a treat.

With some catchy tunes, these are ones to keep an eye on as their career progresses.

Up next we have pop punkers Happydaze.

With a brilliant sound and full of energy, they are a great choice to keep the crowd going before The Xcerts.

Upcoming single "Piece of Me" is excellent, and we are told it was written back when they first started and before they even had a name for the band.

Having recently released their new record "Full Free Radical", opening track "Faded" is played and is superb.

We also get new song "Been and Gone" before the set is closed off with their first ever release, "What's It For".

Looking round the crowd, you could say everyone is left happy and in a slight daze from the energy and tunes they have just witnessed!

A dial tone kicks in over the speakers, and we have a voice recording of The Xcerts frontman Murray Macleod apologising for being distant.

The full band then take to the stage and launch in to "Gimme" from their new album "Learning How To Live And Let Go". It's then straight in to the mega hits "Shaking In The Water" and "Daydream" - talk about the best way to open a set!

"Blame" from the aforementioned new album goes down an absolute storm before we get a powerful rendition of "Ache".

Things are then slowed down with "Show Me Beautiful" from 2018's "Hold On To Your Heart" album, before it is just Murray onstage with his acoustic for a beautiful rendition of "Everything".

Before "It Ain't Easy", Murray tells the crowd how his inspiration for that song was being on Brighton beach at the height of lockdown, with a "special cigarette" and listening to The Eagles "Take It Easy", thinking to himself how can anyone take it easy when the world is in the state it is in?!

As is fairly standard now at every The Xcerts show, "Aberdeen 1987" is sung mainly by the crowd, with everyone belting out every word in full voice.

A closing trio of "Slackerpop", "Lovesick" and "Feels Like Falling In Love" have the crowd on vocals for the majority of them again.

The Xcerts to me are one of those bands that no matter how many times you see them, they are always guaranteed to blow you away! A tremendous way to spend a Saturday night!

review + photos by: paul storr

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