Another January night, another round of musical discovery at King Tut's New Year's Revolution. Tonight's line-up features a decidedly danceable set of bands from across Scotland's cities, each with their own take on upbeat anthemic pop.



Indie rock outfit Oh Jay start the night on a bit of a downer, announcing that this will be their last show together, but with that weight off they're out for a good time. A punchy set of Courteeners-inspired guitar-driven melodies goes down well with the early crowd and their job as "warm up act" is over and done in a flash.

By contrast Noah Noah present like a band on the up and up. If you're in the market for a new favourite band - and if you're at Tut's at this time of year, chances are you might be - Noah Noah are one to check out. Between the infectious chorus of Cannibal Calling, the synth pop perfection of Thick As Thieves, the high sweetness of Fraser Fulton's voice and vivid beauty of Lesley Wilson's trumpet on latest single Everest, there is enough energy in this band to power a festival main stage. Brushing off technical issues at the beginning of the set they play with the intensity of a headline act delivering prettier-than-your-average Scottish electro rock songs.

The Little Kicks have just come off a grand 2017 which saw the release of their 4th LP, Shake Off Your Troubles, back in March. It was well received by critics and fans alike, featuring on many end of year lists on radio and in the press. They toured throughout the year in support of the album, with festival performances across Scotland and even an Amnesty International house concert with Fatherson, Prides and The National. There's no time to reflect on any of that tonight however, with only 30 minutes to showcase themselves it's a case of "shut up and play the hits". 4 singles from the latest album and the catchy Girl from the previous record, the band are sounding as polished as ever; musically they're rarely less than perfect. On Goodbye Enemies, Hello Friends the simplicity of the four piece band really draws a spotlight onto the vocals, particularly the swelling harmonies of Adam Morris and Andrew Corse. There are times too when the music takes centre stage, as on the back half of epic closer Heartbreak Pts. 1 & 2 which starts out with Steven Milne's gentle vocal melody and delicate piano, before growing into an all out dance assault that the audience finds utterly irresistible. Hard to believe the night isn't yet over when The Little Kicks walk offstage to a rousing ovation.

It would be fair to say then that any of the bands on tonight's bill could have headlined this event. Nevertheless Boohoohoo have generated a load of hype over the last 12 months or so with the release of their Debuthoohoo  EP and single Fire released by local indie music champions Last Night From Glasgow. Their set opens with the dual vocals of Ricky Richardson and Liz Kyoko powering through kinky disco number Now Is The Season. Banter centres around the band's need to dance off their festive excesses as they storm through the first half of their set, easing only to catch their breath during a tender rendition of Cyndi Lauper's Time After Time. From there on it's full steam ahead as the band and their audience become further ensnared by the funky bass, beats and flute. The dancefloor becomes busier and bumpier, and the singalongs ever more impassioned until the band declares they are spent and everyone is sent on their sweaty way, out into the weekend.


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