We Caught Up With Bad Sounds Before Their Performance At Leeds Festival 2018

1. So yours are Bad Sounds from Bath?

"Yes we are."

2. How far have yours travelled today to come to Leeds Festival 2018?

"So we came from Reading Festival yesterday... so how ever far that is from there."

3. Performing at Reading Festival yesterday, how was your set?

"Yeah man, it was really cool! It was our very first time playing there... we were very nervous and we were playing very late..."

" We were just worried as we were playing against some headliners and didn't know if anyone would come and see us perform... but yeah tons of people did and it was a wicked moment."

"We are also looking very excited to our performance at Leeds Festival later today."

4. How's it been releasing music so far?

"It's been good man, we released our debut album last week and the reaction so far been really food."

"Yeah you don't really know what to expect when you put something out... but as band we just hope something we would out there would be good and have a good reaction."

5. How has touring been, in support up to your debut album?

"It's been great man, can tell from your accent your Scottish and we've been up there few times, Glasgow and Edinburgh are wicked places to play at."

"We are also playing out first big headline tour in October, so we get put our own stamp out there, doing our own production ect and putting on a really good show."

6. Noticed yours have been going out on tour supporting bands as well.

"We've supported Rat Boy on tour, we would love to do more... with supporting there isn't any pressure on you so it's a way for people discover music... Rat Boy's fans have really engaged with our music which is good."

7. Is there any music inspirations out there which got yours into the band?

"We have a really collective style of music, we listen to basically anything and have mash-up some stuff from different style of music which has made our music we've put out there so far."

8. I'm guessing you haven't toured anywhere yet apart from the UK?

"We have done some shows, but we will be doing our first proper headline shows in main-land Europe during September. - So being billed as headliner instead of support act is amazing." 

"We do have some fans in other parts of the world, but going other places gives us the chance to try branch out there... we're looking really forward to it."

9. So i'm guessing the States would also be dream country to play in?

"We're playing in Mexico in November, so we hope to maybe go out around some of the states in US and play some shows as well."

"But as we're still a young band, touring costs money so hopefully one day we will get to play in other parts of the world."

10. As you said you've just said yours have released your debut album, would yours like to go further and producing another one in the pipeline?

"Erm.. yeah, we are always writing, we write for fun and hopefully something comes out of it.. we will be taking a break after this campaign to probably produce a new album, this period at the moment in time gives us chance to try out new things and give us step-away from the stuff we done over past few years, produce new stuff and also collobrate to."

11. What has been your favourite show so far?

"Probably our last hometown show in Bristol as we played a bigger venue than before and we feel our friends, family and other fans made it a very special moment and something for us look back on, it did give us something look from playing previous shows in Bristol to this big show."

12. So guess you would want to eventually play bigger shows in Bristol?

"Yeah, we're playing our biggest show so far in October, so that show and our London show are two biggest shows of the tour. So it's very hard to judge as the last show sold out well and see if this one will sell out to.. but yeah we're looking forward to and like we said earlier bringing our own production or something close to what we want will go down well with fans."

13. One last one... So production, so what can we expect from what yours had from previous headline tours yours have done?

"We haven't yet started planning what we're going do for this tour yet, but we really want to put on a really good show every night of the tour."

"We had stuff on previous tour which made us laugh and we hope just keep doing that on a bigger level."



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