Rainfall does little to dampen an artist at the top of their game

★★★★★ (5/5)

Who better to kick off the 2023 All Points East festival season than one of London's biggest stars? One that is capable of delivering crowd-rousing anthems alongside electric performances that energise a crowd that has already listened to a stacked bill of top-notch musical talent.

Judging by the show tonight, this is a role that Stormzy completes with ease. As one of London's most prominent artists, not only from his immensely successful music career, but also appearing in fictionalised media such as Watch Dogs: Legion the city is very much linked to his identity.

Starting with a surprisingly understated arrival, for a show that provides thrills aplenty, the set opened with a beautiful rendition of "Fire + Water", from 2022's "This Is What I Mean". The assembled crowd is immediately hooked by the vocal delivery of Stormzy and the support of his incredibly talented backing band.

Barrelling into the next track "This Is What I Mean" serves as a letter of intent as tonight's set features the album of the same name heavily. The live performances of these tracks bring a more muscular sound to the quieter cuts on the album which allows the pacing of the set to flow seamlessly and retains the energy of the crowd throughout.

Which, as it turned out, was crucial as early into the set the London rain decided to make itself known and continued through pretty much the rest of the performance. "We don't want no more Stormzys" the man himself joked. It is a testament to the quality of the show he put on that the crowd remained in such high spirits despite the absolute downpour they were under.

It is a level of dedication that he deeply appreciates as during this return to London, to headline for the first time since 2022, Stormzy makes sure the assembled crowd understands how strongly he feels about this moment of playing one of the largest festivals in the city.

Making sure to keep up the momentum the band then tears through a lean setlist that delivers hits and deep cuts spanning his entire discography. Throughout, a shock and awe barrage of pyrotechnics and lighting drives home the high-energy moments of the night.

A rare pause in the rain between songs allows for repeated thanks to be given to the audience and for Stormzy to make good on a promise to deliver happy birthday wishes to a fan called Marcus. After which, in a display of meteorological choreography, Stormzy goes into "Rainfall" as the rain, once again, falls.

Tracks from "Heavy Is the Head" also serve to exhibit a catalogue that includes a broad musical pallet. Showing a swathe of influences that Stormzy deftly incorporates into his studio recordings and live shows. The ease with which this live performance creates a cohesive experience of such diverse material shows an artist that has already ascended to superstardom but is still hungry to prove his talents.

The setlist and performances tonight, show the maturing of an artist. One that can happily say their new, more considered and vulnerable, material easily stands alongside the raw energy of the tracks that launched their career.

This raw energy is however provided in ample amounts throughout and especially during a 3 song run of mega-hits "Clash", "Vossi Bop" and "Shut Up". Which manages to wring out superhuman amounts of energy from the drenched crowd.

Towards the end of the set a moment of reverence from the track "Blinded by Your Grace Pt. II" delivers an impressively intimate moment into the vast canopy of Victoria Park. This is then followed up by the triumphant closing track "My Presidents Are Black" which provides an impeccable display of Stormzy's flawless vocal delivery and flows.

Cheers ring out as Stormzy and his band thank the crowd for a final time and say their goodbyes. As the assembled thousands make their way from the festival, there are stunned faces and beaming smiles as the fans recount their favourite moments. Repeated comments are made about how they had just witnessed a special show in the already storied career of an artist that is poised to continue his celestial trajectory.


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