PULP bring their UK: Reunion Tour to Scarborough’s Open Air Theatre

★★★★★ (5/5)


To my great shame, despite having been going to gigs since 1988 I’ve never managed to see Pulp in the flesh, I finally got to rectify that on Sunday night, as it turn out it was also the first time for Pulp as well at venue so Jarvis and I will both get to remember our first times together. Was it, to quote ‘I can’t remember a worse time’? Absolutely not, having missed out for all these years I’m now a firm convert to Pulp live, how could I not be? Clearly the band have been through some tough times recently and they made it clear the show was dedicated to Steve Mackey but the atmosphere was more of a celebration of Pulp, what they had achieved as a band, how good they are and they legacy left behind, all things well worth celebrating!

I’ve always been a fan of the band but hadn’t realised what a tight, exciting and professional live act they are with a front man who oozes charisma but has lost none of his quirkiness, his unique charm, his ability to talk to the audience as if it’s an intimate venue that contains only him and them.

I met someone in one of the queues who was also seeing Pulp for the first time, despite the fact he lives in Sheffield and had met Jarvis 3 times, when asked he was clear that he thought they are a great live band, I disagree, they are an exceptional live band!

They turned up not just as Pulp themselves but with a full string section and some fantastic stage setting, including a comfy chair for when it all got too much for Jarvis. I’ve said this before in other reviews and will say it again, Scarborough Open Air Theatre is a fantastic venue and the sun on the beach before set a prefect atmosphere.

The support act, the Oracle Sisters were an interesting proposition, hailing from France but with an American connection in the form of their bassist, they confused me to an extent, they seemed to swing between 1970’s Americana, Folk, Rock and Funk. Their harmonies at times were excellent and their bass player is an excellent funk bassist. However, I think they are still a work in progress, I can tell there is talent there and lots of ideas but there were times the bassist was playing in the worlds greatest funk band while the rest of them were in a different song. I suspect when it all comes together it could be highly impressive but it’s not quite there yet, given Sunday was the biggest crowd they have played to there is time and, as I said, there is talent there, their interaction with the crowd was good so I hope they work it out!


Pulp slowly strode onto stage, with Jarvis last of course, given the heavens had totally opened up between the support act and Pulp and we were all drenched, some to the point they had to take off their t-shirts and wring them out (one slight criticism of security here, let people wring out their sodden t-shirts before you give them hassle about being topless) and one woman behind me did the same with her socks. However, what the torrential rain could not do was dampen the audiences spirt. This was a crowd who were up for it, even more so after getting soaked!

Anyway, as I said Pulp strolled out, followed by the main man. They launched straight into it and within two songs owned the place, when the second song is ‘Disco 2000 it’s hard not to own the place!

Everything about this night was perfect, the crowd were lively, dancing and singing their hearts out, the rain stopped for Pulp, Jarvis was totally engaged and lively with his usual high quality dancing, and the show turned into a greatest hits parade with occasional unexpected pleasures thrown in, Jarvis quoting from some unexpected sources, the wit, the pink gloves etc etc.

Highlights for me? Sorted for E’s and Wiz with the string quartet going baggy for the duration, Do You Remember the First Time, This is Hardcore which worked perfectly with a string section and the closing number Common People, how could that not be a highlight?

If you want the prefect gig, with possibly the greatest front man this country has produced in a long time, then go see Pulp, they are an excellent live band with some of the greatest songs of the last 30 years.

Do you Remember Your First Time? How could I not when it was this good! My only problem is I’m now greedy for more, when’s the next time? Soon I hope!