The Slow Readers Club // The Garage, Glasgow

A large crowd trooped to see The Slow Readers Club for their Winter performance in Glasgow; and, with an expected set, they still were able to delight the room.

★★★☆☆ (3.5/5)

The Slow Readers Club are that under-the-radar band that only your hippest, muso friend mentions. They are the band that only seem to get airplay on BBC Radio 6 and, otherwise, they slink through the shadows building up a dedicated following of those who are in the know. Beginning life in 2003 as the band Omerta, their single releases were sought after sells-outs but they quickly reached their half-life in 2007 when the group separated. Members James Ryan and Aaron Starkie went on to form The Slow Readers Club in 2009. Now, with three studio albums under their belt, they seem sturdy and right down their own alternative rock rabbit hole.

The support for the night was the band Jordan Allen, a modern rock group named after their front-man. They delivered a punchy, energetic performance that highlighted their prowess. Tracks like ‘Never Give It Up,’ ‘The Rapture,’ and ‘Rosie’ stood out from the set as some of their best. New singles ‘Half Life Lover’ and ‘Synchronised’ are ones for new fans to check out and, with talk of their own headline tour in the coming year, 2020 is set to be a biggie for the group.

The Slow Readers Club took to the stage to a slower pace than their support; their appeal drawing a maturer audience to the popular student venue, bar and club, The Garage. To blasting 80s synth, they took to the stage and stood powerfully. Their is a deep humility to their performance. Aaron Starkie, on vocals, speaks of his awe to see the band reach the level they are at and a sea of fans raise their arms and voices in support. He performs with determination blasting out of his eyes like laser beams.

With their hookey opener, ‘On The TV,’ The Slow Readers set the tone for what was to come. After a string of sell-out English performances, one would be forgiven for assuming this would be a gentler night for the band - but this was not the case. Scottish fans roared from start to finished and rejoiced in what they were hearing. Recent track ‘The Wait’ is an intense number that grips the room. ‘Supernatural’ is one of the best by the band. It’s electronic and edgy and performed live it sounded amazing.

Slower  ‘Never Said I Was The Only One’ captived the crowd as they began to sway in time; ‘I Saw a Ghost’ has the same impact.The more affectionate ‘You Opened Up My Heart’ pounded like a drum. The set started to reach it’s end with some brilliantly performed favourites including ‘Block Out The Sun’ and ‘Problem Child’ before the night is closed with the pulsating track ‘Lunatic.’

The Slows Readers Club are group for fans of The Fouls, Shed Seven and The Editors. Their electronic indie can get a bit one noted as there is little variation between songs but they deliver a polished night with gusto and charm. It’s rare to find a group that shy from the spotlight, yet, fill venues like The Slow Readers Club do.


  • On The TV

  • Forever in Your Debt

  • The Wait

  • Sirens

  • Lives Never Known

  • Supernatural

  • Never Said I Was The Only One

  • Don’t Mind

  • Start Again

  • I Saw a Ghost

  • Grace of God

  • Your Open Up My Heart

  • Plant the Seed

  • Days Like This Will Break Your Heart

  • Problem Child

  • Block Out the Sun

  • Distant Money

  • Feet on Fire

  • Forever in Your Debt

  • Lunatic



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