Tonight’s show saw Illinois born Real Friends play a sold out show at Manchester’s Club Academy. They were supported by fellow Americans Grayscale and Belmont.


★★★★★ (5/5)

A night full to bursting with pop punk vibes and the energy to match. First up was fellow Illinois band Belmont! The five piece took to the stage shortly after doors opened to warm the crowd up on a cold Friday evening. The energetic frontman kept the crowd engaged with his energy from start to finish, frequently encouraging the audience to jump along with him and get the atmosphere up from the get go. The bands set had very clear guitar vibes which went down well within the crowd which was filling up nicely. Key members within the audience were singing along loudly with the frontman much to his delight. The band left the stage to a sea of applause. A well received support band.

Next up was Grayscale. The five piece took to the stage shortly after Belmont finished their set which ensured the energy was maintained. The band had SO MUCH ENERGY. From the moment the band took to the stage the frontman was encouraging the crowd to jump around with him which they happily obliged. As frontman Collin Walsh climbs down onto the barriers for the first time that evening the audience embraces him happily.

As he observes a small circle pit opening up in the centre of the pit he points it out happily, the energy levels present within the room are insane! The frontman frequently holds his microphone out over the crowd encouraging the fans to sing, again they oblige! As fans begin to place each other on their shoulders they’re pointed out by Walsh who smiles once again. As the singing gets louder and louder they’re encouraged to sing it louder.

The crowd interaction is on point throughout the entirety of the bands set. “I love this fucking energy” Walsh exclaims which only spurs the crowd on more. Throughout the set the band are spurring the fans on to jump with them and sing along, the energy levels are indescribable. As the end of the set nears Walsh asks the crowd “Did you have a good evening? Did we have fun together?” which earns yet another sea of screams from the audience. This band were a clear fan favourite, the energy from both the band and the fans was on point throughout the entire set. Definitely a band to watch!

Finally it was time for Real Friends. The five piece appeared on stage shortly after Grayscale left the stage, they were greeted by a sea of screams from the audience. The energy levels resumed once again from both the band and the crowd. The room erupts in singing and is combined with excited crowdsurfers flying over one by one.

The room appears to shake as the audience jumps along with frontman, the atmosphere present within the room is perfectly suited to the capacity of the venue. Sweaty! Frontman Dan Lambton frequently encourages the audience to jump along with him which is happily obliged by the committed audience. A circle pit appears to open up in the centre of the crowd which pleases the band. Audience members dotted around the room dance to their own beat in unison with the band.

The energy in the room is so positive and energetic. The band frequently thank the crowd for their energy, “Manchester jump” envokes even more energy from the fans if that was even possible. “You guys wanna hear some old songs? Let’s fucking do it!” envokes even more cheering from the crowd who instantly begin singing along once more. As the song beginnings the energy resumes and a massive circle pit opens once more.

As both the frontman and guitarist climb onto the barriers the audience begins jumping along again. As the band begin to introduce I Don’t Love You Anymore Lambton announces “I don’t care if you don’t know it” which only spurs the die hard fans on to sing even louder. As the band begin the song, Neck Deep frontman Ben Barlow appears on stage to sing on the track with them.

A clear highlight of the set for most! As Ben exits the frontman asks “Do any of you like Neck Deep?” which again earns some response. The band begin jumping with the crowd once more, the energy never ceasing. As sixteen begins the band announces they are going to slow it down momentarily, the audience hold up a sea of lights and sways happily.

Probably a relief to have a moments break from jumping! The fans sing in unison with the frontman, it’s a truly beautiful moment within the otherwise energetic set. As I’ve Given Up On You starts, the lyric “I’ve Given Up On You” echoes across the room to the delight of the band. Arms wave in unison as the energy picks back up. The band let the fans sing and they do not disappoint. The room is filled with united voices singing the lyrics back at the band. The band close their set with fan favourites Me First and From The Outside.

All bands who performed tonight gave it their all. The show was full of pop punk guitar riffs and provided an overall catchy tune from start to finish. The energy was electric all night long. Real Friends are a must see if you get chance!


  • Get By

  • Summer

  • Smiling On The Future

  • Mess

  • Stand Steady

  • Old Book

  • Unconditional Love

  • Composure

  • Maybe This Place Is The Same

  • I Don’t Love You Anymore

  • Floorboards

  • Late Nights In My Car

  • Sixteen

  • I’ve Given Up On You

  • Me First

  • From The Outside



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